Guess I’m a little irritated

So I am 20 weeks pregnant with 2 little rainbow babies, and I have recently started feeling them move, to me this is the greatest feeling in the world after 2 losses!! I had a friend of my husband and myself tell me I will learn to hate them because they hurt, she then complains about how she discovered at the start of her pregnancy that she had had a miscarriage (and didn’t even know it) l...comparing it to the 2 losses that I had, 1 that I had seen my baby and heard the heartbeat and the second that was a blighted ovum....I suppose it’s petty but I hate being around her and having to hear how she am i are the same and that I am going to hate the baby kicks. I love my rainbow babies, and it was a long hard road to get them. I love feeing them and knowing they are ok. #RantOver