Dilemma I might be doomed


So I’ve been single for the last almost 5 years. I’ve tried dating , the ones I easily fell for(2) were no good. This dating thing has been so hard(I think I may have shut myself off completely🤦🏻‍♀️). I want a relationship but I’m extremely comfortable by myself, I won’t settle for just anyone .

After my last little disappointment I noticed no matter how much I like somebody there’s no feelings, only like a mental note “he’s cool, keep seeing him”.

My dilemma is I think I may have found someone who is GOOD GOOD. Not the height I would like but everything else is perfect. But I don’t have any feelings😩, I feel so numb. Idk what to do I don’t want to hurt this guy but if I don’t try I may miss out on something good ya know? He’s consistently chased my for over a year, started dating a bit under 2 months. Any advice ?