this isn’t exactly sex but please read

i’m just going to say this bc i didn’t make it clear before, sorry, but neither of us would EVER have sex at this age. we almost definitely won’t do anything else either, if we do it won’t be for a long time. neither of us are ready and we both know we’re way too young!!

(i’m 13 and my bf is 14 this week)

we were having a movie night at mine on our own last week and we were at my friends also watching a movie with some other people, idm this at all bc i’m very comfortable w him, but his hand was kinda on my hip/thigh/stomach maybe a bit lower but not actually between my legs (we were half under a blanket) we haven’t kissed yet but we both know the other wants to, but would he be thinking about slightly sexual stuff??? we have been cuddling and holding hands and stuff when we are watching movies and he’s so so sweet and i’ve known him for three years and he’s defo not a fboy or anything but has he reached the point where he’s comfortable enough with me to do stuff like that

**btw ik he masturbates and stuff and he knows i do so idk if that adds to it