Mother won't mind her own business


My mother is getting on my LAST NERVE. She gets herself involved in relationship issues that aren't any of her business. My s.o and I had to move in because she lost her job and even with us paying the bills thought she had the place to say what went on and didn't. She even has an issue about buying groceries. She wants US to fix anything that breaks. It's ridiculous. My s.o likes playing video games, it's always been a hobby of his. Yes, he does spend a good amount of time on it but I was okay with it. My mother started nagging and nagging about how much he spent on there. We've been here for almost 2 years, moving out soon (thank god) and she's still bitching about it. I don't even see how it's any of her business. She bitches because my son wakes up fussy in the middle of night and keeps her awake. She bitches because we choose to stay in our room that we pay for. She literally bitches about everything and fucking everything. It'll make a person want to shoot themselves. Now she's telling me she wants to kick my s.o out because he plays too much. Are you fucking kidding me? How is that even her place to make that decision? I agree he spends alot of time on it but it doesn't mean kick someone out. We were going to wait till July to move but I don't think I can handle it until then. I'm thinking next month is better. I wish she would let mw handle issues on my own and keep to herself but she has this mentality she can involve herself in anyone's business. I'm so fed up.