Who has gave in and co-slept with newborn


Alright ladies...so we have a beautiful perfect 8 day old little girl. We bought and armsreat co-sleeper (kind that attatches to bed) and had planned to put her there to sleep. Baby girl was born day after her due date but obly 6lbs 3oz. We were instructed to give her lots of skin to skin both in hospital and at home to jump start everything as well as make sure we get a good breastfeeding relationship. She is gaining weight slowly but will not sleep anywhere but in our arms or completely touching me. After 6 days of 45 min naps here and there while staying exhausted and having this tiny human cluster feed lile crazy we gave in and she slept in bed next to me. We made sure there were no blankets, pillows, etc so it was safe as we could make it. I can't heal from birth amd take care of myself if i am running on 2-3 hrs of sleep every day. Everyone makes it seem like you are a horrible parent for doing but a know a lot of people do it anyways and a lot of cultures it is standard pratice. So how many of you moms have given in, even just for a few weeks, and had your baby in bed with you. For us it became a need be thing right now and I know we camt be the only family dealing with this. PLEASE NO ATTACKING OTHERS ON THEIR PREFERENCES AND THOUGHTS. We are all trying to do our best...everyone has an opinion and are entitled to it without being attatcked for it.

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