My boyfriend of almost 2 years ghosted me

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 2 years. We were so happy & in love, we were planning our futures together, etc. He truly is the man of my dreams. A few months ago, he decided to join the army. There’s no doubt in my mind he 100% made the right decision, but it’s kind of been taking a toll on our relationship. It’s caused us both to overthink and ask all these “what if” questions. We both have anxiety & it’s just making things worse. Lately, for about the past 2 weeks, it’s been extremely bad. Always crying and fighting. He decided he wanted to take a break. I agreed, although it hurt, because I felt like he was right. Maybe we just needed some space to figure everything out. After about 2 days of our break, I was going insane. I missed him so much and I was in so much pain. I made the stupid mistake of showing up at his work, hoping we could just forget about this stupid break. But he was so cold when I got there. He told me I needed to leave and he couldn’t come over after work because he “made plans.” I left completely heartbroken, hoping I’d hear from his soon. The next morning (this morning), I woke up to all his pictures of us deleted on Instagram, he took my name out of his bio, and he stopped sharing his location with me. He never even officially broke up with me? I’m so insanely torn and heartbroken. I can’t stop crying and o have no idea what to do with myself. I feel like I can’t reach out to him because it will only make things worse. I genuinely have no idea what to do. After almost 2 years of dating, he’s going to just ghost me? My parents think he’s trying to protect his heart. That makes sense. It’s just you can’t ghost someone after TWO YEARS. That’s just so immature and completely unexpected. What do I do? Any advice will help. I’m genuinely so lost. I love him so much and I know he loves me. Please please please help

(If you have any other questions about our relationship that you think I didn’t cover, please ask them and I’ll answer. I just really need help making sense of all this)