Possible Enlarged Uterus?


Hi girls,

I’m 20 years old and went for a routine gynecology appointment and had a pelvic exam. My physician said she was unable to “feel” my uterus or my left ovary upon applying pressure on my lower abdomen. I am not sexually active and had a negative pregnancy test just to confirm the obvious LOL. Tomorrow I have an ultrasound to find out what’s going on.

I have absolutely none of the usual symptoms for this other than nausea (which I chalked up to be my anxiety for the past couple of years), unusual hormonal acne, and I thought my weight distribution was changing, but clearly now my stomach appears fuller due to the possible uterine enlargement and not an actual change in my weight.

Do any of you ladies have any experience with this? I had no idea it was even a thing until my appointment. I know the possibilities include fibroids and PCOS. I’m just a little bit worried. ☹️

Any advice would be appreciated, thank you all so much!