Baby blues or post natal depression? I just don’t know.

I feel a little bit embarrassed but I’m going to ask here for advice anyway. I had my baby boy 2 and a half weeks ago. I love him more than anything. The connection was there straight away. My only problem is the past week I just can’t stop crying. I lock myself in the bathroom and cry to the point my eyes swell up. I can’t sleep. I’m barely eating. I don’t really want to talk to anyone. There’s sometimes the odd moment where my son cries and I just want to hide away. My fiancé is great don’t get me wrong but I hide my emotions I don’t let him see me cry. There can be times I’ll be feeding my son and i just cry. I feel like I just want to hide away all the time. I don’t know if it’s just baby blues or not. I keep thinking of going to the doctors but I am embarrassed.