Iron deficiency/anemia in infants


My son was diagnosed with iron deficiency at 9 months. We are giving him ferrous sulfate and a multivitamin with iron. At his 12 month appointment, it still showed iron deficiency. For other moms whose infants experienced this, how long before your baby was no longer deficient?

My son was born at 37 weeks, EBF, and my doctor never told us to supplement with an iron multivitamin at 4 months as recommended by the AAP and WHO. I didn’t know that iron stores build up in those last 4 weeks of growing and didn’t realize I should have supplemented until I did research after his diagnosis. I had researched so much, it makes me so angry I didn’t know!

Also, my mother is a nurse and my sister in law is a nutritionist, so I don’t need advice on how to feed him or advice on supplements. My question is how long before your baby was no longer deficient.