he loves me, he loves me not.


this guy and i have been talking for a short time. But we have known each other since I was in 7th grade and he was a freshman. I am now a senior, and he is graduated. My mom originally didn’t let us date when I was a Sophomore which I understand why. Now, she’s giving me more freedom w him. Which I’m kind of scared of because I still love this guy. He says things making me think he may like me back at least, like calling me baby and babygirl. flirting w me, and asking if I like him. He’s always asking to hang out, and telling me he misses me. AND we’re going out to dinner on valentine’s day (i’m bringing my own money because i’m not just assuming he’s paying) When we hang out, it’s the same as it was back then, playful, funny, flirty and all of that. Although, i’m so scared because he’s never told me how he feels ever since my mom made us stop talking :((. and idk what to do or how to talk to him about it!! Opinions?