I wonder what its like to have someone who cared

I dont expect a response. I just wanna vent.

Its gonna sound stupid but sometimes I wonder what its like to be married to a man who shows love and affection to his wife. Not just play video games all day and night. And who really loves to be a parent. Spending time with his children too. When we had children our relationship changed because not only was I a new wife, I became a new mother. It also didnt help i got pregnant after about two months of knowing him. We just had our 2 year wedding anniversary last month. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself. I wasn't ready for all this especially with how immature he is. We got married when he was 19 i was 20. I'm about to turn 23 in 3 days. 😨 I should be out enjoying life but instead I'm changing poopy diapers, washing bottles, washing a 4 loads of clothes, bathing two small children, and working all on my own. Just saying. Before him i had a relationship where the guy treated me like a diamond, we talked about our future, hopes and dreams. I threw that all away for someone who treats me like a a lump of coal.