it's time! almost


I started timing my contractions around 8 this morning all around 5/8 minutes apart but not to strong.

they never let up, just ended up getting a bit stronger. its 11:30 at night now were in the hospital 😌 I'm only 2cms dilated but because my blood pressure was a little elevated and I'm 40+6 weeks they're keeping me in.

baby will be coming some time tomorrow and I'm now beyond terrified ! it all became a reality and I'm freaking out a bit now 😟😱😱

small update !!

about 2:30 AM now, the pain got really bad so they added a pain killer into my IV, checked again and I'm now 3 CMs 😊😊 I'm getting excited, still scared but also very excited to meet our little princess soon(ish) 💕💕

I'll keep updating as we go along.