Could I possibly be pregnant?


So if I was pregnant, I would be around week 3 right now.

During the following 2 weeks after my possible ovulation, (I wasn’t following it closely and wasn’t aware of when it really happened) I felt hot and cold. It was so aggravating! (Tank to sweater to tank) My stomach felt achy ALL the time for about 4 or 5 days straight and it still feels so uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach. I have always slept on my stomach! I got nauseous at different smells. I’ve had an appetite (I’ve eaten more than I usually have!) and I’ve read through lots of columns on the web and I’ve had a lot of symptoms. I’ve been SUPER tired all the time. (Fatigue) My breast’s do feel a little sore but not a lot.

My “period” this time around was 3-4 days EARLY which NEVER has happened before in my life. And surprisingly it lasted for 5-6 days! My periods are never long and especially not early. But it wasn’t like any normal period I have ever had either. It never leaked, but it was kinda heavy bleeding just when I went to the bathroom. I didn’t have to wear a pad or anything. Am I pregnant or not?? (Might be doing a test sometime this week)