Very late, but my birth story 💙

McKenzie • 🌈💙Riven Nicholas💙🌈

I woke up at 4am on Tuesday 1/29 with contractions and we went out to breakfast, I cleaned my house to get labor going and we went to the hospital around 4pm with contractions 4 mins apart. I was only 3cm dialated so they gave me until 11pm to dialate or they would start pictocin to induce contractions and help me dialate. He was also posterior so he was facing my stomach instead of my back which made his head dig into my tailbone with every contraction. So of course I only dialated to 4cm so they started the pictocin and then the contractions got bad but I kept breathing through them and it was going well. Then I ended up getting nubain which didnt really take the pain away but I was so loopy I didnt give care and I was able to sleep 😂 then once I hit 6 or 7cm I got the epidural because my contractions were so strong and close my body couldn't relax enough to dialate anymore and I was in the most agonizing pain. Well when I hit 8cm the epidural stopped working 🙄 and I eventually dialated to 9cm but my body would not go past 9cm. My doctor came in to check me at 8am and said if I wasnt dialated to 10cm by 830am she was going to do a csection. When she came back in to check I was still 9cm and she was going to take me to the operating room but decided to have me do a practice push to see if she could push my cervix out of the way. And it worked. I pushed for 52minutes and Riven was born at 9:17 am 1/30. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck though so I was terrified. She cut the cord and set him on my stomach for about 5 seconds and he wasnt crying and my heart sunk. But with quick work between her and the nurses my baby boy was fine. Then it came time to deliver my placenta and that Is when shit hit the fan. It got stuck for some reason and I lost a ton of blood and had to go for emergency surgery. I dont remember much after that other than being in the operating room and sliding over onto the operating table and I looked at my bed and it was covered in blood and clots. It looked like someone ripped my guts out and threw it on the table. Then idk what happened but he put a mask on me for anesthesia and I was out. then I woke up in the recovery room getting a blood transfusion and I felt like I pulled every muscle in my body and I tried to hold my baby but I could only hold him for a couple minutes while in recovery because my body was so sore and tired. But I'm doing good now, blood count is still low and so is my iron. But Riven is perfect. I can't believe this perfect little human is mine.

Riven Nicholas, 7lbs 12oz, 21.5 in, born at 9:17am on January 30, 2019