I need you guys right now!!!

Kristina • Nurse💉 Mom to: Justin 8-16-08 💚 Madelynn 7-21-10 💜 Gabriella 11-17-18

Hi my mommy friends! I’ve told a lot of you how I go back to work February 11th and feeling anxious about it. Now that it’s a week away I am legitimately FREAKING out. I’m sure you may have also seen me mention that she’s not a bottle fan. She’ll take one SOMETIMES but only after fighting it for a while first. She is such a mommy’s girl! Whenever she’s being held by someone else you can almost see her anxiety until she sees me nearby and then she’ll relax a little. When she has a meltdown the only thing she wants is me to hold her. I am SO scared of leaving her! She will be with her daddy most days and I work five minutes from my house so I’ll be able to come home on my lunch break to nurse her. But there will be days where I will have to stay over at work (nurses never get out on time!) and days I may not get a break (yes it’s law to take a break but let’s be honest, it happens). I know I’m kind of rambling and all over the place with this post but I was blessed to be able to stay home with my other two when they were babies...this is all new to me. Every time I think about next Monday I start crying and am one emotion away from a full blown panic attack. 😭

*edited to add pictures of my little other half!*