MIL wants to be in the delivery room

First of all we have a good relationship just because I keep my distance from her, we disagree in most things so I think is healthier to just see each other once in a blue, she asked me to be in the delivery room a while back when I was only 18 weeks pregnant( I’m 33 now)

I told her that if she is there I have some rules, I don’t want her anywhere near my vagina I want her in my head, and no photos or videos of the baby coming out... at first she was like but I wanna take pictures of my grandchild coming out I said that either she accepted the rules or she wasn’t going to be allowed. Well now that my due date is getting closer I have started to overthink about it I feel like she won’t respect what I told her and I can’t really count on my husband to put stop to it, so I don’t want her in delivery room anymore, I told my husband but he didn’t like the idea he said that I’m putting him in tuff spot and that he will handle if she does something that I said not to. I feel like talking in the hospital and asking them to not let her in that I want my labor to be just my DH and I but I don’t know if it will be possible, I have been anxious about this for about 4 days know

Any advice?