Long Pregnancy Journey

Megan • 💙SWH+MJH💜(05/19/2012)💑MC 9/25/2018👼🏻🌈👶🏻9/10/2019👪

I never thought my journey would be this difficult. I struggled for years of infertility and finally after loosing some weight I basically jumped started my body into having periods again. I started tracking my ovulation for a few months and finally became pregnant August 22nd, 2017.

I thought this was it. This is what I finally fought so hard to achieve, little did I know that my journey was not done yet. Never in life did I think that my pregnancy would end in a miscarriage. I didn’t even really know what that was. My 7th week I began to bleed. I called my doctor and she schedule me for an u/s which ended in my worse fears. My baby’s heartbeat was no longer. After a few months of grieving... I started my journey again.

First month of charting and trying I received my positive January 17th, 2019. Scared and excited I called my doctor. First blood drew I knew this prolly would not be my happy ending. My progesterone is so low and indicated non viable pregnancy. Here I am 6 weeks pregnant and began spotting.

No one tells you about infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss. No one tells you about the women who struggle to do the one natural thing our body is meant to do... conceive. My journey has been a long 6 years of emotion. I’ve been happy, excited, nervous, sad and ultimately heartbroken. Even though tho my journey continues to achieve a healthy pregnancy, I know my time will come. I pray for all to have a healthy pregnancy!

I just wanted to tell my story because at the moment I’m scared, worried, and need to vent!