Pregnancy is hard


You always hear of how exciting it is and the excitement of each stage and the major symptoms, but you never hear about the negative side. At least I didn’t. I didn’t know I would find feeling kicks as annoying. I didn’t know at 20 weeks I would feel guilty for not enjoying the feeling of being pregnant. I’ve felt guilty all day like I don’t deserve my baby because I’ve already failed her as a mom. But after a lengthy conversation with my husband I’m here to tell you ITS OK!!! Pregnancy is HARD. Your body changes in ways you didn’t know. Everyone judges for anything you do, you don’t get sleep, something always hurts, throw in the emotions and the expectation to carry on life as usual and no wonder I’m feeling this way! My husband helped me see that the feeling of guilt clearly means I care. I want this baby. I tried so hard for her, but my body will never be the same. We out ourselves under so much pressure to do everything perfect for our unborn but at what cost? Our mental health is not something to sacrifice. We need to stay strong for our littles. If that means having a good cry because you feel like absolute shit then have that cry. If it’s you refuse to make dinner because you busted your ass all day and don’t have it in you then that’s ok! Take care of yourself ladies, because if you don’t then there will be nobody to care for your growing baby. And, try not to let it all get to you. Take a deep breath, find a good support system and know that it’s ok to be feeling whatever you are feeling!