She finally let me put her hair up 😍


So my daughter turned 1 on January 8th. When she was born she came out face up & had a severe conehead. Her head was very bruised & tender up until she was about a month old. She hated having her head/hair touched unless she was in the bath having it shampooed, which given her reason is completely understandable. She was born with a full head of hair & I was so excited to play with it but she didn’t like it.

Fast forward to yesterday we’re getting ready to go out to her Grandma’s with her cousins. I noticed after I got her dressed that her hair was in her eyes. So I thought, well I’ll try to see if she’ll let me put it up. And guyyyyyyss! 😍 she did!

It makes her look so much older 😩 but it’s soooooooo cute!

Just had to share 😍