I’m not stupid just VERY confused, Advice??!

Don’t mean to sound stupid but I just off birth control. Had a procedure done in my Cervix so I had abnormal bleeding in December due to the procedure and a period around that time as well. Problem is I don’t know which was which 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ my cervix is considered healed as of the 31st is December. I started my last period January 8th which lasted 4 days. I don’t bleed a lot so it isn’t that abnormal for it to be short. Now according to the app I Ovulated the 21st and I didn’t use protection as we are TTC. I’ve been testing ever since 8dpo(I know, early🤦🏻‍♀️) which have been BFN, anywho According to the app AF was due today. I’ve had very very light brown-ish discharge since last Tuesday basically only when I wipe and SOMETIMES a bit on my panti liner but no blood. I swear I feel pregnant! (I have 2 kids) but so far, nothing! How the hell do I know when to test?!! I’ve used Walmart cheapies, dollar trees, FRER, clear blue...I’m so confused! I’m sorry for the long post I just need all the advice I can get! TIA!