Not sure I ovulated


Hi lovely ladies! I took an OPK test on Saturday (2/2) and got this

I posted on Glow and Glow told me it looked positive. Also people told me it looked positive or either very close.

I took other tests on Sunday and yesterday and my tests are coming lighter now. I also chart my cycle and my temperature had a slight raise yesterday (2/4) but today it went down to 97.17. According to my BBT I did not ovulate, but my OPKs were darker and now it’s lighter. I’m so confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ DH and I have been BD since Wednesday last week sort of every other day, then Sunday and Monday just in case I ovulated. My cycles are somewhat irregular. I also just started taking some additional supplements this month like fish oil and vitamin B and E.

I’m not sure what to think... anyone had the same?