Dental work while pregnant ?

Let me start by saying I’m not one of those people that are against medicine or vaccines. I strongly believe in vaccines and medicine when needed. However, I have been very careful about what I put in my body while pregnant and have refused to take any meds even for headaches(Tylenol, though safe) except prenatal pills.

I had a dental cleaning yesterday and the dentist noticed I have two cavities 🦷 one is fairly small and he said it can wait until after the birth of my twins. The other is not bad but could become bad and he wants to fix it now. He said the lidocaine is perfectly safe, but he wants the okay from my ObGYN regardless. I’m just not sure how I feel about dental work but at the same time I don’t want my teeth ruined. They also wanted to do xrays and said I can cover up my lap. But when I questioned the safety they said it’s not necessary at the moment and didn’t do them.

Anyone else had dental work done? Am I being a crazy first time mom?