I don’t want another C section 😩


I had my son almost 3 years ago. I was fully dilated and pushed for about two hours and he would not come out. He was turned sunny side up and he was 8 pounds 13 ounces. When we finally got him out via c section he was all bruised and black and blue. The recovery sucked. I’m pregnant again and my doctor wants me to have another c section bc of the reasons that i needed one with my first. He said chances that i have another big baby are likely and that it is safer to have a scheduled c section than a failed VBAC. He did say it is ultimately up to me but that he would be uneasy if i tried to push. Has anyone had to have a repeat C Due to having a large baby? I just am so scared. I always wanted 4 kids and I’m petrified that they’ll open me up and say you have too much scar tissue no more kids. I also don’t want to go against my doctors advice but i really want at least 3-4 kids.

Update: thank you everyone. Your responses have made me feel better about possibly having to have another c. I spoke to my doctor and he scheduled my c section for 2 days before my due date but he said that if i do earlier and baby is measuring in 7 pound range and things are progressing good he will let me try. So we will see what happens.