We're not telling my mother-in-law that we're pregnant


My mother in law likes to steal peoples thunder. And news she finds out she gets on the phone and calls everyone she knows. No matter if you have asked her not to. Just a couple of examples: posted all of my wedding photos(her husband took them for us)before I even got to look at them after I even asked her not to put them online. 5 min later there they all were, told everyone about my husbamds new job before he was a permanate employee and gloated to the family about it. She has done this to my husband and I enough times that we decided we are simply not telling her about the baby until we have told 100% of all other family. This was all fine until now she's coming to stay with is in a few weeks and I have already poped out! I'm not heartless, the woman has lost her home so of course I wouldn't turn her away. But she is an alcoholic and takes medication on top of it. She is hard to handel. any advice on hiding this other than hoodies. I'm 12w3d. She will be here when in 2 weeks.

? I asked me husband to leave a few of his work hoodies and jackets at home lol