Uterine Septum


I found out when I was 18 that I have a uterine septum. At the time of finding that out, I was a senior in high school. My doctor told me it made more sense why my periods were longer and more painful and told me BC would help with that.

She also informed me that I would need surgery to have it fixed if I ever wanted to have kids in the future.

At that point in time, I wasn’t interested in having kids. I wasn’t even having sex at the time. Having a uterine septum hasn’t affected my sex life and my periods have gotten easier to deal with (no longer on BC anymore for my own personal reasons).

Now, I’m a month away from turning 22 and wondering if I should get the surgery to have it fixed so I don’t have to worry in the future?

I’m still not at that point where I’m ready to have kids but my boyfriend and I are talking about building a life together and having kids eventually and so I’m wondering what might be the best steps to take in order to be able to have a family some day.

I’ve made peace with the possibility that we may have to adopt and things like that. I actually knew at a young age that there was something wrong but didn’t find out until I got older.

Has anyone else dealt with this? Or had the surgery?

I know a lot of women have this medical condition and don’t know it thus it hasn’t affected them getting pregnant and stuff like that but I know it can also cause infertility.

I just want to know what I can do before it’s too late.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.