Do you have a protein deficiency?


I just got my results back from my blood clotting disorder test. And everything came back normal beside protein levels. My levels are at 52 and they should be 60. I know absolutely nothing about any of this. She just referred me to a specialist. But she said that still doesn't explain my 3 losses. Ugh I'm annoyed can anyone help me understand?

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So I’ve lost 3 as well. After my 2nd loss they tested me for everything. I have protein s and homozygous MTHFR (they tend to go hand in hand). Mine was around 47-50, it’s been about 7 years since I had it tested. I’ve never had a blood clot that my body didn’t break down so I don’t need anticoagulants. I lived in a rural area with very few experts but we moved to a metroplex a few years ago. Now that we are trying again, I’ve lost another so my OB is sending me to a hematologist since protein s is not the most common form of thrombophilia. Back in the rural area, the doctor said when I’m pregnant I throw small clots that my body can break down but they are small enough to restrict blood supply to the baby. Idk Joe true that is, but that’s what I was told


Juls • Nov 11, 2020
I’m hoping the hematologist will have a better game plan than just aspirin. I was able to have 1 before I knew I had protein s and 1 between losses 2 and 3 on just aspirin so I’m not sure it they will change it on me? Can I ask why progesterone as well?


taylor • Nov 11, 2020
Hi! I'm so sorry for your losses! After four losses I was able to have my rainbow who is 7months now. What I did different was lovenox 3 days after ovulation and baby aspirin and 100mg progesterone after a postive test and that is what helped! I was told you need to have your blood thinned before the egg implants into the wall! I will be praying for you sending baby dust your way!