Does Anyone Else Get Irritated With First Month Success Stories Even Though You Are Happy For Them?

Lex • 19 Months TTC and Our Rainbow Baby is On Board ♥️💛💙💜

I have been trying for 15 months so probably I am fatigued haha but I am so happy for each and every person that gets a positive pregnancy test but I have to admit I get a little sore about the people gloating about it just took them one month or it being their first month trying. No other amount bothers me but the one monthers 🤣. Like I know it is their story and they have every right to tell it and be happy but I can admit I’m just a little bitter about it 😐🤣. Anyone else or am I just a monster?

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Posted at
Nope not at all. I feel you. I wonder why you’re on a TTC forum at all when you didn’t have to try to conceive 🙄 just go straight to the pregnancy forum and let us all struggle with infertility in peace. I’m cool with anyone who tried for at least 5-6 cycles, because they probably started to feel a littlnofnwhat we feel.


Alex • Feb 6, 2019
I think most of us feel the same. Sending you hugs!


Lex • Feb 6, 2019
I think some people just sign up as soon as they remove the barrier and some of them manage to get pregnant quickly. I can accept that but it definitely doesn’t feel like trying if you never had to feel the angst and disappointment of AF coming to me at least once. Some people are very lucky and perhaps I am just jealous it is taking me such a long time to get my baby 😢


Posted at
It’s totally callous and unacceptable to post about your effortless pregnancy in a TTC forum. Those posts should just be deleted in my opinion


Lex • Feb 6, 2019
Yes. I think it is fine in the announcement page cuz they did get a BFP but don’t gloat about how easy it was


Posted at
Lol hate those posts mostly because at the bottom of it there is always the whole " i tried preseed, prenatal vitamins (all standard things us ttcers have been doing for a long time) !dont give up it will happen!!". I sound like an asshole but it's just so irritating. I love seeing the 1yr + success stories though.


Lex • Feb 7, 2019
I know!!! It’s like ok...we got it. It was easy for you. Now let me just go lay in the corner and swallow my prenatals and cry thanks


ideclarebankruptcy • Feb 6, 2019
Totally agree. To me it comes off as condescending but I'm sure that's my own bias. The " it happened when we least expect it after 2 months of trying "people make me wanna scream though 🤣


Lex • Feb 6, 2019
Yea I really hate any post where people explain what they did honestly like they discovered the secret formula for pregnancy. I get some people share to give others hope but people also need to accept a lot of this is just plain out of our control sadly. So inserting cups, prenatals and Preseed ain’t doing it for all of us


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I've literally just said this in a comment on another post. The one monthers have a special sting 😕


Lex • Feb 6, 2019
They are so damn lucky.


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It took us 13 months of trying after a miscarriage to get pregnant and the worst thing I kept hearing after our miscarriage was “it’ll happen again, we got pregnant right away after ours!” Every month was more depressing then the last, this time we’re on our 3rd month of trying which I know isn’t long but I do know what it’s like to have to hear those stories of people who got pregnant that first month when you’ve been trying for what seems like a lifetime. It is frustrating


Lex • Feb 7, 2019
Yes it just feels like gloating even if they are not. I have seen so many announcements that are people who just took one month. Wish I could have that experience. Heck just give me this month!


Posted at
In a similar position to you. We are TTC for our rainbow baby and having no luck. Each month is a heart break and in the last week we’ve heard two announcements where the couples weren’t trying and one always used to say she never wanted a baby. My husband says “it’s another oops I tripped and fell pregnant story”.It’s hard to be happy when the only thing you want is just not happening. This month is really hitting me hard. Don’t feel like it’s ever going to happen.