About to go for my first scan! Please pray for me!


So I had a miscarriage last August. Found out I am pregnant again on Christmas Day! According to dates I am meant to be 14Weeks and 1Day but that’s probably wrong. I was meant to be having my midwife appointment 2 weeks earlier than I did but it got cancelled so I went to my first midwife appointment on the 25th jan (day before my 20th birthday) it is now January 6th and today is my 1st scan day! Please pray for me! I am so scared but excited😩

Need some prayers for me and my baby right now and really need some support!😑 I will keep everyone updated!❤️☺️


Had the scan and baby is absolutely fine! Seen it moving around in there and it has got a good strong heart beat! Could not be happier!😍❤️