Possible hormonal imbalance? Need input


So my husband and I are ttc and have been trying since November. I’ve always had regular periods and all of a sudden they’re off. One month I have 23 day cycle. Next month 28. Then 25 then 30. It’s playing wiyh my head a bit bc when it gets to the 30 day mark I think I may be pregnant, get excited then take a test and find out I’m not. And when my periods do start they’re very heavy (I will spare the details on that). They’ll go on for four days, then I’ll stop bleeding then two days later start again. My back feels like it’s on fire. I’m bloated to the point I look 4 months pregnant. And I’m sweating through the night. Vaginl dryness, low sex drive and the worse part is I’m gaining weight with no change in my diet. I eat pretty healthy. In fact they took me off meds that cause weight gain and I’m still gaining. I usually have a small stomach and my waist is getting bigger. I would love it if the reason I was gaining weight was because I was pregnant but clearly I’m not when I’m having heavy periods. Something is off. Any idea what it could be? Help!