Depression returning

Over half of my life I've suffered with some form of depression. I'm currently 22, about to turn 23 & am now 20 weeks pregnant. I've been suffering with different levels of anxiety & depression since I was around 10/11 & I've never been in such a positive mental state than the time following the realization that I was carrying life. As I'm hitting the halfway mark, I'm finding myself more than hormonal. The deep, intense indifference to daily life and consist dull ache in my chest is back, and the only thing I can seem to enjoy is feeling my little girls kicks. Sometimes I'll sit for hours doing nothing else, and I know it's normal for new mothers + first time moms to experience this kind of depression through pregnancy, but it scares me for postpartum. I have no doubt our little girl will be the light of my life, but I also know in order for a child to thrive a parent needs to be thriving with them. I just want to make sure I can provide a good life and happy home for our girl, and avoid any of the major depressive episodes I've had in the past. Piling laundry, stacked up dishes, laying in bed all day... There's a level that's okay and acceptable for moms, but I know with my episodes it would go past a point of being able to be a good environment for a child. What was your experience with pregnancy + postpartum depression? Do you have any advice for me?