Leaking boobs

Cheyenne • 👱🏼‍♂️👩🏻👼🏻👼🏻🐱🐱👼🏻👶🏼 Mommy to Parker Anne💕🌈

So starting yesterday I was at work and my boobs were so itchy and irritated so I went to see if something was in my bra and when I checked I noticed my bra was a bit wet. And when I moved my boob up I noticed I was leaking a clear liquid (like water) out of my nipples. And today when I got out of the shower I noticed again that I was now leaking a watery milky liquid (yes I was completely dry when I noticed). I’ve never had this happen and to give a little back story. I had a MC in dec 2018 and still haven’t gotten my period since then. I took a HPT a few days ago and it was negative. I don’t know what’s going on!!