TTC with PCOS & Unicornuate Unterus & NO cycles


Hello everyone!

So I'm very new to here and wanted a healthy outlet to talk to others who are experiencing the same trials and tribulations of TTC.

I am 30 soon to be 31 with a 2.5 year old daughter conceived through <a href="">IVF</a>. I have gone my entire life with no menstrual cycle unless medically induced with birth control. I recently started taking a supplement/vitamin at the beginning of January. I wanted to try these pills but the skeptic in me kept me from purchasing them. This had amazing reviews from women who have PCOS and it helped regulate their period...from women who were TTC and got pregnant after taking these pills. It wasn't until my older sister who also has PCOS and irregular periods tried them and finally experienced a period after a year of not having one. I was sold! After taking the pills for a month I am currently experiencing my first period in years!! Now I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I am most definitely excited. I hope that my period will be reoccurring with the help of the pills and if so my and the husband are definitely going to try for baby #2!