How have i not gotten pregnant yet?

I'd like to start by saying that i haven't necessarily been trying to get pregnant but i just find it odd how i havent.

Im 18 and my boyfriend is 20 and we have a lot of unprotected sex. 3 out of 5 times he will even cum inside of me. He has even done so while my fertile window was open and i am not curently on any birth control. I was on the pill for a little while a few years ago but i didnt like how it made me feel so i quit taking it. my period is usually really heavy and im not the healthiest girl out there but im not horrible. I honestly do not know how i havent gotten pregnant yet. I've considered that there might be something wrong with my baby making stuff but everything feels fine. maybe its because we're both young and im too stressed o

or maybe its his semen but has anyone else had this happen.