Very confused


Hi there! I'm cheyanne and a mom to an almost 2 year old. My husband kinda sprung the question when we moved into a new house and didnt know what to do with the bedrooms.

I'm scared I'm not ovulating becuase I havent gotten my period since December 18th. I'm not sure If I'm ovulating and just not bleeding because I've heard that can happen. I got off the nexplanon birth control in August and have had periods since then. I did talk to the guy who took it out and he said as long as you have a period within this month or the next I'm not worried. And I did! These past three days I've had the symptoms I had when I was pregnant with my son.

Tuesday: fatigue gassy little frisky but overall I didnt want to get out of bed all day. Then at night my breasts hurt so bad! My nipples couldnt stand being touched which is weird lol. When I layed down on my stomach it felt really weird. The best way I can describe it is it felt like the princess and pea except on my lower stomach I could not sleep for the life of me and I'm in bed by like 9 most nights and up at 4:30.

Wednesday: it sucked. I had no energy. I cried off and on all day. I was just so emotional and everything made me want to throw up. These frozen burritos that I've eaten sinceI was a kid and have never given me a problem made me want to throw up. At night I full on sobbed in bed becuase I was scared everything im feeling was PMS which im sure is.

Today! Today is better. I have more of an appetite. I got a bit more sleep bit I did throw up this morning. I'm not sure why it was just stomach bile but yeah. I still dont have energy to clean or anything but it's better lol.

Heres the part where it sucks. Weve been trying since Sunday having sex every single day except yesterday becuase I was a weepy mess. I meet with an obgyn to get checked Monday if I'm still fertile but what do you guys think? I feel like I'm going absolutely crazy and I hate it so much. I feel like something is off and then I feel like it's my body playing tricks on me and I feel dumb for imagining it. I dont have any known medical issues I had a healthy pregnancy except gestational diabetes birth was normal. I got my thyroid checked and they said it's normal