I need help 😭


So last night, I just got a text msg from a guy that I use to talk to... but the things is, he left me for another chick, and when he texted me he was apologizing because he threw everything that we had away for a girl who was just using him... I told him straight up that after he told me we was done, I went and I got drunk and ended up sleeping with my friend... so me and my friend are very close, we tell each other everything, so I asked him what to do, and he told me to give the other guy a chance... but it’s very hard for me because i started gaining feelings for my friend, and he knows that. So just last night, he confessed and said that he too had feelings for me, but he was telling me to give the other guy a chance (very confusing) so this morning me and my friend started talking again about the same topic and I told him that I don’t wanna date someone that i don’t have feelings for. And he told me to tell the other guy that “I do” have feelings for to tell him my feelings to see if things works out, and I told him that he was the other guy that I had feelings for, then all of a sudden he stopped texting me... I know it’s kind of confusing, but if you need clarification just ask me and I’ll tell you... ( thank you for taking the time to read this, I know it’s very long and confusing, but I really do need help) 😭