Preterm labor


Has anyone been in preterm labor before ? This is my Third pregnancy and has been by far the hardest. I started having heart problems about a month ago. starting Sunday I’ve been having very bad lower cramps and bad back pain saw my doctor Tuesday and they said could be a bladder infection but that test was negative. yesterday (31weeks) I leaked a bunch of clear fluid almost as though I peed myself while just standing folding laundry so I called the doctor because I thought it was weird. They sent me in to get checked out by labor and delivery it was not atomic fluid they said but they kept me 5 hours for monitoring because I was having a lot of contractions. They checked my cervix and I was at about a 1 they said then came back and checked again a couple hours later and said I had opened up a little more. They ended up just sending me home but the lower pelvic pains and cramps just get worse everyday ! Did anyone experience this and have their babies early ? My mother swears up and down we are going to have this guy early . Any ideas or input would be greatly appreciated!!