My February 19th baby finally made it earth side!!!


What a day... doing this while it is fresh on the mind.

So contractions began at 315am Thursday morning. I knew after about a hour that it was the real deal.

The last time I was checked was 10 days ago and I was at 4cm already. So it was a long nerve racking 10 days.

Ok... so I had a doctors appointment the same morning at 1030am. I last through the contractions until then. Me and my husband load up our toddler for my regular doctor appointment. Start driving and bam... car issues. So we pulled over. And he fixed it on the freeway. So I call saying we are going to be late, but I'm having contractions about 6 minutes apart. My doctor got mad that I was gonna be late so she reschedules me for the next day. I'm super irritated at this point and we turn around and go home.

I labored at home for 3 more hours before I told my husband I can't handle the pain much longer. Contractions were about 3 minutes apart when we started getting ready to leave. We have a 40 minute drive to the hospital. By the time we started driving contractions were about 2 minutes apart getting real real real quick. We got followed by one cop, but thank goodness didn't get pulled over. I wouldn't have pulled over. That could have been an issue. Haha

That was the longest/fastest drive ever. My husband turned that 40 minute drive into a 25 minute drive. Pedal to the metal.

So we get to the hospital with our son and my parents are already waiting for us to take our son. They get me into a room immediately upon arrival to l&d and we are just waiting for my iv and that stuff. My parents get lost in the hospital (this place is giant) so we had our son for 30 minutes with us while they hooked me up. Grandparents get here and took him to wander the hospital because both my parents wanted to see their last grandchild to be born.

They finally check me in between contractions and say I'm at 8cm already and they can break my water at any time I wanted. That's when my nerves hit. That feeling of I can't do it came about and needed to work it out with my husband first. Truth is they didn't need to break my water, just a choice to speed things up. Things were moving pretty fast,so we holder off on breaking my water.

Nurse shift change.

Loooooved my nurse and was sad she left,but the next nurse who came in was amazing. She could see my nerves. She said let me check u again (about 730pm) if you want. I said OK. Just check me. See where I'm at. She said I was at 10cm and as soon as that water breaks I'll be able to push.

They break my water at 738pm and INSTANTLY my contractions didn't stop coming. Vocally can't control myself. I would have made sailors blush. After 1 contraction that started to fade I NEEDED to push.

They say OK let's get the doctor in here. The room started transforming into this birthing room filled with people and me screaming waiting for stirrups cuz I need it!

Doctor wanders in and I have to push before she is gloved and gowned. She said go ahead and let's start pushing. I pushed that baby out on one push. As soon as I felt that "ring of fire" I couldn't stop. Doctor was in the process of sitting down and barely caught my little man. She didn't expect my first push to do it.

I had my little man in my arms at 747pm . I'm always amazed at how the pain just goes away.

This is usually where birth stories end... but my little man met his big brother and the love he showed his little brother filled my heart like the grinch at the end of the movie!

No one told him to kiss his brother, he just said "wow" and leaned in for a kiss. Melting all hearts in the room

Thomas born 747pm. 5lbs 12.8oz. 18 3/4 inches long.

Delivered at 38 weeks 2 days.