Cycle day 44


A little background- I had a miscarriage and d&c in September. After my next cycle after I started paying attention to the app and <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>. The dr said it’d take a few months for my cycle to regulate. It was a consistent 32 days from then on. Then I saw how some gave up tracking and ended up pregnant. So I decided to go ahead and try it just to try it. So I have no idea when or if I ovulated. And haven’t had a period since dec 27th. I had acne like I usually do and the pre menstrual headache but nothing. Every now and then I get tender breasts and have felt pretty bloated but no sign of af and a thousand negative tests. I try not to look too deep into symptoms. I just did a blood test and will get the results on Monday. Anyone had a very extended cycle with neg tests and come out positive? According to the app I’m 10 days late.