Low progesterone



I had my first beta today and doctor says it looks good and I am confirmed pregnant! BUT he said my progesterone levels are lower than he would have expected. I am already on PIO, and he has me maintaining my dose for now. I retest on Monday, but of course now I am nervous! Has anyone else had a similar situation with a successful outcome? (He didn’t give me any of my specific numbers.)

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Mine started out good (around 27) and my doc wanted above 15. Had a few more tests and it went 25, 21, 17, and then 13. When I got the results for 13 they put me on progesterone suppositories to try to keep my level up. It's only been 2 days and I will have an ultrasound and another blood test on Wednesday so I cant yet say if it helped or not! Maybe call your docs office and ask for the actual number? I'd be curious how low. I have seen some success stories on here of ladies whose progesterone got super low but after intervention went on to have a healthy pregnancy.


Ca • Feb 8, 2019
Thanks for sharing your experience. I have been on progesterone injections since my IVF retrieval, so I’m not sure there is much more they can add to my regimen. Hopefully Tuesday’s labs show the results he is expecting. And fingers crossed for you on Wednesday!


Posted at
I always have low progesterone at the start of pregnancy so I immediately go on suppositories and everything is good! Did u do ivf? I’m asking cuz u said PIO


Ca • Feb 8, 2019
Yea I go back Tuesday for another blood draw.


Rachel • Feb 8, 2019
Are they planning on monitoring ur levels while ur on it?


Ca • Feb 8, 2019
Yea. That’s what’s worrying me. I did IVF and have been on progesterone injections since my retrieval.