Is it ok ?

I’m sorry if this is the wrong group but i just needed to vent.. so all my life I never really was a big fan of sex. every now & then I would have my horny phases & then that would be it . Well now I am 6 months pregnant with my second & my placenta is low so the OB said that i can’t have sex. But he feels I should have sex with him twice a day everyday knowing I don’t like having sex . Knowing that if I have sex with him while pregnant something could happen to my unborn child. So last night he forced me to have anal sex with him for the first time & it was the absolute worst pain I’ve every felt during anything sexual & he never cared nor did he stop he just kept making me let go of the things I would be holding to Manage the pain. He makes me take my clothes off the second he’s horny which he’s horny all the time he humps me while I’m asleep & wakes me up in the middle of the night for sex & if I don’t give it to him he’s throwing stuff ignoring our kids he’s very controlling & wants to control everything but one of the main things he’s done recently was I haven’t been able to see my grandmother for months & she finally got a hotel over by where we live for a few days & he doesn’t want me to go see her or spend the night with her at all. & idk when’s the next time I will be able to see her .. . He’s not hitting me or anything but he’s forcing me to do things i don’t wanna do at all no matter if it’s sex or even just not seeing my grandmother he says things to me so that it makes me change what i wanna do to whatever he wants me to do. idk what to do & idk how to get out he makes me feel like I can’t do it by myself & whenever I don’t do what he wants he will take it out on our son & just not even talk to him hold him or anything . Is it crazy that I’m sitting here letting my sons father have sex with me when I don’t even wanna have sex & hurt me in so many different ways while he’s doing it just so he won’t leave my kids ? I let him have anal because if i would’ve said no he would’ve tried to have sex with me & I wouldn’t have been able to say no & I would’ve lost the baby I’m pregnant with I’m just so scared that one of these days I’m going to wake up & he’s raking me or he starts hitting me or my son & he doesn’t take care of his son at all i have him 24/7 i change every diaper I buy everything he needs & it’s really hard for me by myself because im pregnant but I’m sitting here letting a man treat me like this just so he could still play with my son fr that’s all he don’t even take care of him I’m so scared to leave idk where we would go or anything