I have an internal struggle

Venessa • Andreas 10.28.18 💙

I dont know who else to turn to to talk to so here it goes. I'm a first time mom and I had bad luck with trying to breast feed. So I pumped for my baby. I am a low producer only getting about 2-3 oz a sesh. Hes now 3 months old. I gave him formula here and there so I can try to build a stash but he very soon caught up to me. My husband from the beginning wanted me to give him formula but I stuck to my guns and argued everyday to keep giving him my milk. Now the flu is going around and I'm trying to pump every 3 hours to give him whatever antibodies as I can. My husband always has something to say when I ask him to watch the baby do I can pump. Like I'm wasting mine and his time. Hes very easily frustrated. The baby latched just recently only once for like 10min. So now when I hear him crying I try to see if he takes the breast. No success but I was TRYING. All I hear from my husband is. "Your milk doesnt fill him up. Stop trying the breast feed him. He clearly doesnt want it. Just feed him formula. Hes not interested in the boob. Your wasting your time." And all the eye rolls when I tell him i have to pump. I'm just trying to feed my baby and yes I'm trying to get him on my breast. I'm just trying to be a mom and protect my son from the flu since hes too young to get medication.