Ovarian cysts


So on Thursday I was having some pain on my right side and thought it was a gas bubble , took some meds and went on with my day. Around lunch time my stomach spazzed and i was in extreme pain out of nowhere but figured I had really bad cramps and went to my last class of the day and then to dance practice.. I started to overheat, feel nauseous and couldn’t walk everyone figured it was my appendix and rushed me to the ER.. come to find out i had an ovarian cyst rupture and start to bleed. LADIES DO NOT IGNORE PAIN . I have to say that was the worst pain I’ve felt and I’m glad my friends urged me to go to the ER ... the surgeon told me he sees women who ignore that kind of pain/ or come in and are brushed off by doctors and told to take a pain reliever because it’s “just cramps” . Moral here ; take your pain seriously !