Felt as if I was going to lose consciousness


I'm 30w4d -

I'm going to call the on call doctor today- last thing I want to do is go to the ER again but hey if that's what they tell me to do I will to be safe!

Last week I began getting headaches that went away with tylenol.

However, then I started to see a floater in my right eye. I dont see it all the time.

Also I've been having pain under my ribs where my stomach is- it feels like its burning, I always thought that since I'm getting so big that the acid in my stomach is causing discomfort/ my baby loves to be under my ribs kicking

I do have a BP machine at home (my BP was low prior to pregnancy and is still low but normal).

This morning I drank a small

McDonalds coffee and a few mins later I was sitting and felt like I was going to pass out-like a huge headrush, I hung onto my chair making sure I wouldnt tip over or anything.

Other then slight swelling of hands and feet after back to back 12hr work shifts, I've been feeling fine and baby movements are fine as well.

*I've been trying hard to keep up with my water intake*

Can this be a sign of pre eclampsia? I realllllly dont like to Google anything.

Did any other ladies have some of these symptoms?

It really freaked me out, I really felt like I was losing consciousness.