3 days PP breastfeeding help

So, this kills me to write - that I even let my mother minimally sway me. My little man was doing GREAT. Was getting lots of colostrum, as my milk hadn’t come in yet. Then yesterday I’m sitting pumping my colostrum to get him some goodness and my mom starts in on me about how that’s not even close to enough and I need to supplement with formula blah blah blah. She basically told me I’m going to kill my child. We’re still in the hospital, I ended up having a csection (we’re now) waiting to be discharged. But he’s been formula feeding since yesterday. I was unable to pump even the smallest amount of colostrum and I’m extremely worried he won’t take the breast again (I’ve been trying to get him on for every feeding - to no avail). Please help. I need him to breastfeed.