
So ladies i have a story for you y’all ready ok so...... me and my man has been together for about a yr and decided to move in together we moved from California to las vegas its been about 4months so this past month ive noticed his ex has been texting him🤬 so im going thru his messages she saying she misses sex with him and how she has to please her self every night, she sends him a video of her touching herself nd some other more messages, nd yes he entertains it🤬🤬 which makes me want to slap the shit outta of him while he asleep right now, by the way shes in her late 40’s and he just turn 29, my inner evil self wants to take them videos and pictures and post them all over Facebook since she so church going, but the grown woman in me wants to just let him know thats I’ve seen those messages and that he needs to end the lil flirting shit