11 DPO and no BFP?


January was our first month of using absolutely no birth control. Ive been charting my BBT and knew when I was going to be ovulating, so we had sex on my two most fertile days. After ovulation, my BBT went up (as normal) and it still hasn’t gone back down (i ovulated on the 30th). On Friday I was 9DPO and had a little bit of spotting and cramping. Saturday I was so physically exhausted. My body just felt so tired. I was running out of breath easily. I ate half a pizza when I normally only eat a piece, maybe two. I WAS STILL HUNGRY after that 😂. Today I’ve been feeling very bloated, my lower back has been hurting, I woke up with sore boobs, and was even feeling a little sick. Took a test and it says negative. My period was supposed to be yesterday and haven’t had any signs of it. My hope is that it’s still too early. I feel like I’d be shocked if I’m not pregnant, but also pretty shocked if I am since that was our first time actually having unprotected sex. Any thoughts?