Miscarriage: TMI

Leah • 24. Sc.

I just went through my first pregnancy and miscarriage. I had an ultrasound at 6w4d and everything looked great and we even saw babies heartbeat. I had my next ultrasound appointment for when I should’ve been about 10w5d but baby was only measuring 6w5d and of course there was no heartbeat😔 I had no symptoms of miscarriage so it was a huge shock and the most devastating news I’ve gotten in my life. It’s just one of those things you never think will actually happen to you. That appointment was on Monday 2/4 and on Friday 2/8 I started lightly spotting which turned into slightly heavier bleeding and light cramps on Saturday. I then woke up this morning right before 7am with terrible cramps that kept me tossing and turning all night and bleeding a lot with a lot of clots. It makes me so upset that not only do people hardly talk about miscarriage, nobody tells you about the whole process, the bleeding, the pain, how to prepare for such an event. I sat on the toilet for over 2 hours this morning in agonizing pain and SO much blood. I finally made my boyfriend go out and get me pads because I didn’t prepare to need anything like that, I just had no idea. I was finally able to lay in bed for awhile with the bleeding and pain continuing, back and forth to the toilet. When I finally thought the worst was over so I went to lay in bed just hoping the cramps would continue to dissipate. But instead I suddenly got extremely nauseas and so much blood started to pour out of me so I just jumped in the bathtub because that was the only way I would be able to take care of both problems at the same time. So I’m throwing up in the bathtub while the largest clots are pouring out of me. Thankfully I was in the bath so I could just easily wash myself off and thankfully that was the worst of it and I took some ibuprofen and finally the cramps are only mildly uncomfortable now(still worse than period cramps), instead of the yelling in pain cramps I was having earlier. The bleeding is still quite heavy and at this point I’m wishing I had just made my s.o get me some diapers. I’ve been in bed pretty much since 1pm when the worst was over, besides very short trips to the bathroom because I am still just so very lightheaded every time I stand up. I’m just hoping to start feeling better tomorrow so I can clean up my bloody crime scene of a bathroom and my bedroom as well. I just wish more women would be open about their experience with miscarriages and not be ashamed about it. Although this was absolutely the worst experience of my life I’m just happy it’s finally over and I can finally start to move on from this. Thank you if you took the time to read all of this, you’re amazing and we’re all so much stronger than we ever realize.