

Hi lovely people! I am new to babywearing and looking for a soft carrier for my 4 month old (almost 14lbs).

These are the features I am looking for:

Shoulder straps that can cross

Different carrying positions (front, hip, back)

Cool for outside in the summer (would mostly be wearing it indoors to get things done around the house and for walks in the summer)

Simple to put on/use

Not very bulky

And hopefully something we can use for a long time! Good quality carriers seem very expensive so something we will be able to use for as long as possible and she grows.

I've researched a few different types and am thinking the Soul Anoona might be what I'm looking for? But it's hard to tell as I'm quite out of my element. Other contenders are the Onya Cruiser, Boba 4G or X, and Lillebaby complete air flow.

I would love to hear your thoughts/opinions. Thank you so much!