Depression, appetite, sleep, sickness

Brenna • Mommy to Bowen 👣 #2 Due: March 2021

I will be 14 weeks tomorrow and I have had morning sickness since week 4.

Medication:Zofran (stopped working) now reglan

Around week 8 I started feeling really depressed I was crying every day I didn't want to live anymore so I did reach out I let my fiance know how I was feeling I felt so alone even tho he was there by my side.

Medication: Zoloft (I started today) they wanted to evaluate me before actually putting me on medication.

I started to feel a little better around week 12 but that didn't last long I've gotten allergies, a cold, diahheria.

2 E.R visits both times needed nausea medication/benedril/I.V.

Medication: benedril (I am allergic to Tylenol)

So ive been suffering from a massive migraine for what feels like weeks now!

I suffer from bad cold sores.

Medication: acyclovir.

In conclusion to my post I am greatful for this baby.

I never thought that becoming a mommy would be so dreadful and hard.

If you are feeling like you don't or can't do it anymore please ask for help and dont be ashamed!

Medication is ok but unfortunately we are limited and it straight up sucks!

I am constantly reminding myself that this isn't forever and I will feel like myself again.

All of this pain and suffering will be worth it in the end.