I’m over the disappointment....


Hubby and I have been TC for about 18months. We have been going to a fertility clinic since Sept. I’ve taken 4 rounds of clomid - with this last one at 150 and all I have is 1 follicle. They same I had last month. And this one is 13 in size. The doctor did say that I have thin lining. I’m just so discouraged. No <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this month as the chances are not any higher than timed intercourse, says my doctor.

Im just so over this! I don’t know what else to do. I feel like I’ve done everything I am supposed to do and I’m failing. I’m moving towards acupuncture next week in hopes something helps.

I know that it only takes one to stick. It’s just hasn’t happened yet so why keep hoping it will work this month. How much disappointment can a person take. Plus, everyone around me is pregnant. One of my closest friends got pregnant by accident. I wish that were to happen to me. I’m having a hard time being supportive and happy for everyone when all I see is the fact that we are struggling so much.

Sorry this is long, needed to vent.